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- *tips.txt* For Vim version 6.0. Last change: 2001 Sep 25
- VIM REFERENCE MANUAL by Bram Moolenaar
- Tips and ideas for using Vim *tips*
- Don't forget to browse the user manual, it also contains lots of useful tips
- |usr_toc.txt|.
- Editing C programs |C-editing|
- Finding where identifiers are used |ident-search|
- Switching screens in an xterm |xterm-screens|
- Scrolling in Insert mode |scroll-insert|
- Smooth scrolling |scroll-smooth|
- Correcting common typing mistakes |type-mistakes|
- Counting words, lines, etc. |count-items|
- Restoring the cursor position |restore-position|
- Renaming files |rename-files|
- Speeding up external commands |speed-up|
- Useful mappings |useful-mappings|
- Compressing the help files |gzip-helpfile|
- Hex editing |hex-editing|
- Executing shell commands in a window |shell-window|
- Using <> notation in autocommands |autocmd-<>|
- ==============================================================================
- Editing C programs *C-editing*
- There are quite a few features in Vim to help you edit C program files. Here
- is an overview with tags to jump to:
- |usr_29.txt| Moving through programs chapter in the user manual.
- |usr_30.txt| Editing programs chapter in the user manual.
- |C-indenting| Automatically set the indent of a line while typing
- text.
- |=| Re-indent a few lines.
- |format-comments| Format comments.
- |:checkpath| Show all recursively included files.
- |[i| Search for identifier under cursor in current and
- included files.
- |[_CTRL-I| Jump to match for "[i"
- |[I| List all lines in current and included files where
- identifier under the cursor matches.
- |[d| Search for define under cursor in current and included
- files.
- |CTRL-]| Jump to tag under cursor (e.g., definition of a
- function).
- |CTRL-T| Jump back to before a CTRL-] command.
- |:tselect| Select one tag out of a list of matching tags.
- |gd| Go to Declaration of local variable under cursor.
- |gD| Go to Declaration of global variable under cursor.
- |gf| Go to file name under the cursor.
- |%| Go to matching (), {}, [], /* */, #if, #else, #endif.
- |[/| Go to previous start of comment.
- |]/| Go to next end of comment.
- |[#| Go back to unclosed #if, #ifdef, or #else.
- |]#| Go forward to unclosed #else or #endif.
- |[(| Go back to unclosed '('
- |])| Go forward to unclosed ')'
- |[{| Go back to unclosed '{'
- |]}| Go forward to unclosed '}'
- |v_ab| Select "a block" from "[(" to "])", including braces
- |v_ib| Select "inner block" from "[(" to "])"
- |v_aB| Select "a block" from "[{" to "]}", including brackets
- |v_iB| Select "inner block" from "[{" to "]}"
- ==============================================================================
- Finding where identifiers are used *ident-search*
- You probably already know that |tags| can be used to jump to the place where a
- function or variable is defined. But sometimes you wish you could jump to all
- the places where a function or variable is being used. This is possible in
- two ways:
- 1. Using the |:grep| command. This should work on most Unix systems,
- but can be slow (it reads all files) and only searches in one directory.
- 2. Using ID utils. This is fast and works in multiple directories. It uses a
- database to store locations. You will need some additional programs for
- this to work. And you need to keep the database up to date.
- Using the GNU id-tools:
- What you need:
- - The GNU id-tools installed (mkid is needed to create ID and lid is needed to
- use the macros).
- - An identifier database file called "ID" in the current directory. You can
- create it with the shell command "mkid file1 file2 ..".
- Put this in your .vimrc: >
- map _u :call ID_search()<Bar>execute "/\\<" . g:word . "\\>"<CR>
- map _n :n<Bar>execute "/\\<" . g:word . "\\>"<CR>
- function ID_search()
- let g:word = expand("<cword>")
- let x = system("lid --key=none ". g:word)
- let x = substitute(x, "\n", " ", "g")
- execute "next " . x
- endfun
- To use it, place the cursor on a word, type "_u" and vim will load the file
- that contains the word. Search for the next occurence of the word in the same
- file with "n". Go to the next file with "_n".
- This has been tested with id-utils-3.2 (which is the name of the id-tools
- archive file on your closest gnu-ftp-mirror).
- [the idea for this comes from Andreas Kutschera]
- ==============================================================================
- Switching screens in an xterm *xterm-screens* *xterm-save-screen*
- (From comp.editors, by Juergen Weigert, in reply to a question)
- :> Another question is that after exiting vim, the screen is left as it
- :> was, i.e. the contents of the file I was viewing (editing) was left on
- :> the screen. The output from my previous like "ls" were lost,
- :> ie. no longer in the scrolling buffer. I know that there is a way to
- :> restore the screen after exiting vim or other vi like editors,
- :> I just don't know how. Helps are appreciated. Thanks.
- :
- :I imagine someone else can answer this. I assume though that vim and vi do
- :the same thing as each other for a given xterm setup.
- They not necessarily do the same thing, as this may be a termcap vs.
- terminfo problem. You should be aware that there are two databases for
- describing attributes of a particular type of terminal: termcap and
- terminfo. This can cause differences when the entries differ AND when of
- the programs in question one uses terminfo and the other uses termcap
- (also see |+terminfo|).
- In your particular problem, you are looking for the control sequences
- ^[[?47h and ^[[?47l. These switch between xterms alternate and main screen
- buffer. As a quick workaround a command sequence like >
- echo -n "^[[?47h"; vim ... ; echo -n "^[[?47l"
- may do what you want. (My notation ^[ means the ESC character, further down
- you'll see that the databases use \E instead).
- On startup, vim echoes the value of the termcap variable ti (terminfo:
- smcup) to the terminal. When exiting, it echoes te (terminfo: rmcup). Thus
- these two variables are the correct place where the above mentioned control
- sequences should go.
- Compare your xterm termcap entry (found in /etc/termcap) with your xterm
- terminfo entry (retrieved with /usr/5bin/infocmp -C xterm). Both should
- contain entries similar to: >
- :te=\E[2J\E[?47l\E8:ti=\E7\E[?47h:
- PS: If you find any difference, someone (your sysadmin?) should better check
- the complete termcap and terminfo database for consistency.
- NOTE 1: If you recompile Vim with FEAT_XTERM_SAVE defined in feature.h, the
- builtin xterm will include the mentioned "te" and "ti" entries.
- NOTE 2: If you want to disable the screen switching, and you don't want to
- change your termcap, you can add these lines to your .vimrc: >
- :set t_ti= t_te=
- ==============================================================================
- Scrolling in Insert mode *scroll-insert*
- If you are in insert mode and you want to see something that is just off the
- screen, you can use CTRL-X CTRL-E and CTRL-X CTRL-Y to scroll the screen.
- To make this easier, you could use these mappings: >
- :inoremap <C-E> <C-X><C-E>
- :inoremap <C-Y> <C-X><C-Y>
- (Type this literally, make sure the '<' flag is not in 'cpoptions').
- You then lose the ability to copy text from the line above/below the cursor
- |i_CTRL-E|.
- Also consider setting 'scrolloff' to a larger value, so that you can always see
- some context around the cursor. If 'scrolloff' is bigger than half the window
- height, the cursor will always be in the middle and the text is scrolled when
- the cursor is moved up/down.
- ==============================================================================
- Smooth scrolling *scroll-smooth*
- If you like the scrolling to go a bit smoother, you can use these mappings: >
- :map <C-U> <C-Y><C-Y><C-Y><C-Y><C-Y><C-Y><C-Y><C-Y><C-Y><C-Y><C-Y><C-Y><C-Y><C-Y><C-Y><C-Y>
- :map <C-D> <C-E><C-E><C-E><C-E><C-E><C-E><C-E><C-E><C-E><C-E><C-E><C-E><C-E><C-E><C-E><C-E>
- (Type this literally, make sure the '<' flag is not in 'cpoptions').
- ==============================================================================
- Correcting common typing mistakes *type-mistakes*
- When there are a few words that you keep on typing in the wrong way, make
- abbreviations that correct them. For example: >
- :ab teh the
- :ab fro for
- ==============================================================================
- Counting words, lines, etc. *count-items*
- To count how often any pattern occurs in a buffer, set 'report' to 0, and use
- the substitute command to replace the pattern with itself. The reported
- number of substitutions is the number of items. Examples: >
- :set report=0
- :%s/./&/g characters
- :%s/\i\+/&/g words
- :%s/^//g lines
- :%s/the/&/g "the" anywhere
- :%s/\<the\>/&/g "the" as a word
- You might want to reset 'hlsearch' or do ":nohlsearch".
- An alternative is using |v_g_CTRL-G| in Visual mode.
- ==============================================================================
- Restoring the cursor position *restore-position*
- Sometimes you want to write a mapping that makes a change somewhere in the
- file and restores the cursor position, without scrolling the text. For
- example, to change the date mark in a file: >
- :map <F2> msHmtgg/Last [cC]hange:\s*/e+1<CR>"_D"=strftime("%Y %b %d")<CR>p'tzt`s
- Breaking up saving the position:
- ms store cursor position in the 's' mark
- H go to the first line in the window
- mt store this position in the 't' mark
- Breaking up restoring the position:
- 't go to the line previously at the top of the window
- zt scroll to move this line to the top of the window
- `s jump to the original position of the cursor
- ==============================================================================
- Renaming files *rename-files*
- Say I have a directory with the following files in them (directory picked at
- random :-):
- buffer.c
- charset.c
- digraph.c
- ...
- and I want to rename *.c *.bla. I'd do it like this: >
- $ vim
- :r! ls *.c
- :%s/\(.*\).c/mv & \1.bla
- :w !sh
- :q!
- ==============================================================================
- Speeding up external commands *speed-up*
- In some situations, execution of an external command can be very slow. This
- can also slow down wildcard expansion on Unix. Here are a few suggestions to
- increase the speed.
- If your .cshrc (or other file, depending on the shell used) is very long, you
- should separate it into a section for interactive use and a section for
- non-interactive use (often called secondary shells). When you execute a
- command from Vim like ":!ls", you do not need the interactive things (for
- example, setting the prompt). Put the stuff that is not needed after these
- lines: >
- if ($?prompt == 0) then
- exit 0
- endif
- Another way is to include the "-f" flag in the 'shell' option, e.g.: >
- :set shell=csh\ -f
- (the backslash is needed to include the space in the option).
- This will make csh completely skip the use of the .cshrc file. This may cause
- some things to stop working though.
- ==============================================================================
- Useful mappings *useful-mappings*
- Here are a few mappings that some people like to use.
- *map-backtick* >
- :map ' `
- Make the single quote work like a backtick. Puts the cursor on the column of
- a mark, instead of going to the first non-blank character in the line.
- *emacs-keys*
- For Emacs-style editing on the command-line: >
- " start of line
- :cnoremap <C-A> <Home>
- " back one character
- :cnoremap <C-B> <Left>
- " delete character under cursor
- :cnoremap <C-D> <Del>
- " end of line
- :cnoremap <C-E> <End>
- " forward one character
- :cnoremap <C-F> <Right>
- " recall newer command-line
- :cnoremap <C-N> <Down>
- " recall previous (older) command-line
- :cnoremap <C-P> <Up>
- " back one word
- :cnoremap <Esc><C-B> <S-Left>
- " forward one word
- :cnoremap <Esc><C-F> <S-Right>
- NOTE: This requires that the '<' flag is excluded from 'cpoptions'. |<>|
- *format-bullet-list*
- This mapping will format any bullet list. It requires that there is an empty
- line above and below each list entry. The expression commands are used to
- be able to give comments to the parts of the mapping. >
- :let m = ":map _f :set ai<CR>" " need 'autoindent' set
- :let m = m . "{O<Esc>" " add empty line above item
- :let m = m . "}{)^W" " move to text after bullet
- :let m = m . "i <CR> <Esc>" " add space for indent
- :let m = m . "gq}" " format text after the bullet
- :let m = m . "{dd" " remove the empty line
- :let m = m . "5lDJ" " put text after bullet
- :execute m |" define the mapping
- (<> notation |<>|. Note that this is all typed literally. ^W is "^" "W", not
- CTRL-W. You can copy/paste this into Vim if '<' is not included in
- 'cpoptions')
- Note that the last comment starts with |", because the ":execute" command
- doesn't accept a comment directly.
- You also need to set 'textwidth' to a non-zero value, e.g., >
- :set tw=70
- A mapping that does about the same, but takes the indent for the list from the
- first line (Note: this mapping is a single long line with a lot of spaces): >
- :map _f :set ai<CR>}{a <Esc>WWmmkD`mi<CR><Esc>kkddpJgq}'mJO<Esc>j
- <
- *collapse*
- These two mappings reduce a sequence of empty (;b) or blank (;n) lines into a
- single line >
- :map ;b GoZ<Esc>:g/^$/.,/./-j<CR>Gdd
- :map ;n GoZ<Esc>:g/^[ <Tab>]*$/.,/[^ <Tab>]/-j<CR>Gdd
- ==============================================================================
- Compressing the help files *gzip-helpfile*
- For those of you who are really short on disk space, you can compress the help
- files and still be able to view them with Vim. This makes accessing the help
- files a bit slower and requires the "gzip" program.
- (1) Compress all the help files: "gzip doc/*.txt".
- (2) Edit "doc/tags" and change the ".txt" to ".txt.gz": >
- :%s=\(\t.*\.txt\)\t=\1.gz\t=
- (3) Add this line to your vimrc: >
- set helpfile={dirname}/help.txt.gz
- Where {dirname} is the directory where the help files are. The |gzip| plugin
- will take care of decompressing the files.
- You must make sure that $VIMRUNTIME is set to where the other Vim files are,
- when they are not in the same location as the compressed "doc" directory. See
- ==============================================================================
- Executing shell commands in a window *shell-window*
- There have been questions for the possibility to execute a shell in a window
- inside Vim. The answer: you can't! Including this would add a lot of code to
- Vim, which is a good reason not to do this. After all, Vim is an editor, it
- is not supposed to do non-editing tasks. However, to get something like this,
- you might try splitting your terminal screen or display window with the
- "splitvt" program. You can probably find it on some ftp server. The person
- that knows more about this is Sam Lantinga <slouken@cs.ucdavis.edu>.
- An alternative is the "window" command, found on BSD Unix systems, which
- supports multiple overlapped windows. Or the "screen" program, found at
- www.uni-erlangen.de, which supports a stack of windows.
- ==============================================================================
- Hex editing *hex-editing* *using-xxd*
- See section |23.4| of the user manual.
- If one has a particular extension that one uses for binary files (such as exe,
- bin, etc), you may find it helpful to automate the process with the following
- bit of autocmds for your <.vimrc>. Change that "*.bin" to whatever
- comma-separated list of extension(s) you find yourself wanting to edit: >
- " vim -b : edit binary using xxd-format!
- augroup Binary
- au!
- au BufReadPre *.bin let &bin=1
- au BufReadPost *.bin if &bin | %!xxd
- au BufReadPost *.bin set ft=xxd | endif
- au BufWritePre *.bin if &bin | %!xxd -r
- au BufWritePre *.bin endif
- au BufWritePost *.bin if &bin | %!xxd
- au BufWritePost *.bin set nomod | endif
- augroup END
- ==============================================================================
- Using <> notation in autocommands *autocmd-<>*
- The <> notation is not recognized in the argument of an :autocmd. To avoid
- having to use special characters, you could use a self-destroying mapping to
- get the <> notation and then call the mapping from the autocmd. Example:
- *map-self-destroy* >
- " This is for automatically adding the name of the file to the menu list.
- " It uses a self-destroying mapping!
- " 1. use a line in the buffer to convert the 'dots' in the file name to \.
- " 2. store that in register '"'
- " 3. add that name to the Buffers menu list
- " WARNING: this does have some side effects, like overwriting the
- " current register contents and removing any mapping for the "i" command.
- "
- autocmd BufNewFile,BufReadPre * nmap i :nunmap i<CR>O<C-R>%<Esc>:.g/\./s/\./\\./g<CR>0"9y$u:menu Buffers.<C-R>9 :buffer <C-R>%<C-V><CR><CR>
- autocmd BufNewFile,BufReadPre * normal i
- Another method, perhaps better, is to use the ":execute" command. In the
- string you can use the <> notation by preceding it with a backslash. Don't
- forget to double the number of existing backslashes and put a backslash before
- '"'.
- >
- autocmd BufNewFile,BufReadPre * exe "normal O\<C-R>%\<Esc>:.g/\\./s/\\./\\\\./g\<CR>0\"9y$u:menu Buffers.\<C-R>9 :buffer \<C-R>%\<C-V>\<CR>\<CR>"
- For a real buffer menu, user functions should be used (see |:function|), but
- then the <> notation isn't used, which defeats using it as an example here.
- vim:tw=78:ts=8:ft=help:norl: